Partner With Us
Our Advertisers
Advertise With Us
1st Step to success!

We design your website to impress your viewers and prospects and please the major search engines.
2nd Step to success!

We host your website on fast, reliable, secure web servers and update your website as necessary.
3rd Step to success!

We advertise your website on this website and submit your website to Google Search Console.
Chester County Sites is about advertising and promoting Chester County PA self-employed and small business websites on the Internet -- targeting consumers and prospects in the Chester County PA area. Our website is designed and positioned with the search engines to attract Chester County PA residents and consumers seeking Chester County PA products and services using the Internet. In addition, we are interested to host and/or manage your Chester County PA small business website.
Partner with us and we will help you promote your Chester County PA business website with priority hypertext and starred links, banner advertisement, image advertisement, and search engine links to help Chester County PA prospects find your Chester County PA website on the Internet.
There are several ways you can advertise in Chester County PA with Chester County Sites (see below).
All website advertisement opportunities are discounted for our website hosting customers.
Non-hosting customers may purchase any website advertisement service separately and according to our website advertisement fee schedule.
- Hypertext Links (free link,
link, or highlighted link ) usually located on our businesses directory page
a) Free text link to your website with no highlight or star preceding your text link
b) link to your website preceding your text link with no highlight
c) Text link to your website highlighted in yellow
Includes your business name, location and brief description
- Chester County Sites Search Engine (searches this website)
a) Search engine results link directly to your website
Our website CGI program with search by your keywords capabilities
- Banner Links (468 x 60) (displays in rotation with other advertisers)
a) Banner advertisement linking to your website
b) Banner advertisement linking to your email address
Banner displays at the top of all pages on our website and some other popular websites
Monitor your banner display and click through activity using our advertiser's access link
- Image Links (140 x 110) (displays in rotation with other advertisers)
a) Image advertisement linking to your website
b) Image advertisement linking to your email address
Image displays down left side of all pages on our website and some other popular websites
Image also displays in top right corner of all pages on our website
Monitor your image display and click through activity using our advertiser's access link
- Fixed Image Links (140 x 110) (image is fixed and does not rotate with other advertisers)
a) Image advertisement linking to your website
b) Image advertisement linking to your email address
Fixed image can display down left side or top right corner of almost any page on our website
- Sponsor Links (prominent hypertext link located at the top of a directory page)
a) Displays your business name, location, and description with a hypertext link to your website
Every time the specific directory page loads, your business name, location, and description is displayed at the top of the directory page
- Full-Service Website (requires website hosting)
a) You or we design and create your business website hosted on our web server
If you already have a website, you can transfer hosting services to us with no down-time
Banner (468 x 60) defined:
Clickable image approximately 5" wide x 3/4" high including text and graphic advertisement defined by you.
Banner displays in rotation with other advertisers at the top of all pages on our website and some other popular websites.
If needed, we will create the banner for you.
Image (140 x 110) defined:
Clickable image approximately 2" wide x 1 3/4" high including text and graphic advertisement defined by you.
Image displays in rotation with other advertisers in top right corner and down left side of all pages on our website and some other popular websites.
If needed, we will create the image for you.
Banner And Image Program - Chester County Sites offers banner and image advertisement services to effectively promote your website in Chester County PA.
Our state-of-the-art banner program constantly displays 468w x 60h banners and 140w x 110h images in rotation on our website linking to websites of businesses participating in our banner and image program.
- We offer DISCOUNTED banner and image advertisement space (on our website) to Chester County PA businesses who host their website with us. (advertisement)
- We offer LOW COST banner and image advertisement space (on our website) to Chester County PA businesses who do not host their website with us. (advertisement)
Participants can monitor their display and click through activity 24 hours a day, login here.
468w 60h
Our banner and image statistics report includes daily and monthly displays and clicks over several months of activity.
By monitoring your statistics, you will quickly realize the impact that our banner and image advertising offers in making your presence known to people in your community.
Note: A website is not required to promote your business with banner or image advertisement.
Name recognition alone will promote your business. A banner or image advertisement can include your company logo, name, address and phone number, and link to your email address.
Banner Exchange works much like our banner and image program - A mutual agreement between two parties to display each others banner advertisement from a predetermined page and location on each parties website.